Monday 31 March 2014

my neighbour john

Paranormal and psychic happenings. When my neighbour john died  he didn't seem to know it. He had been ill for a long time and when I visited him I remarked how I missed seeing him in the garden as we would often chat over the fence. He died two days later I knew because I saw his spirit walk through my bedroom. I was in the garden the next day it was hot and sunny with no breeze at all when  a fruit Bush began to shake quite violently, not all of it just one branch as though an invisible hand was grabbing it to get my attention. My friend was with me he saw it too. Anyway the builder's were in his house and John came to me in a dream he was gardening and looked up and said there's all people in my house they're bringing alcohol. I said that's nice thinking it was a gift for him. But in reality the builder's were having parties in his house and stealing. I know this as one of them told me he had got slapped by an invisible hand whilst in the house. John was often telling me how his dead wife would slap him for drinking after he'd done the  Ouija board. When I told the builder he was afraid and put the things he'd stolen back.

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