Saturday 13 January 2018


Paranormal and psychic happenings 8 True Alien Abduction Stories That’ll Make You F*cking Terrified Of UFOs By Jacob Geers, April 2nd 2016 Comment Flag 1. CLAYTON & DONNA LEE ABDUCTION Youtube / SiriusStarSystem Youtube / SiriusStarSystem A Texas-based husband and wife claim to have been abducted by aliens multiple times, including once where a fetus was stolen from Donna by the alien trespassers. Clayton claims that he was a child visiting a park the very first time he was abducted, and that he feels the aliens might be studying him throughout his life. “I remember just floating up higher,” Donna Lee recounted about her experience, “And, all that was around were stars and blackness. And then, I blacked out.” The couple have had their memories of this event awakened by a local psychologist, who ironically, doesn’t actually believe in aliens herself. They have both drawn sketches of the aliens, and appeared on multiple media outlets to talk about their story, including this one on the O’Reilly Factor: O’REILLY: All right. And you were abducted multiple amounts of times? D. LEE: Yes, yes. O’REILLY: Did you ever talk to the abductees? I mean, did they tell you where they were from or anything? D. LEE: No, that I don’t have any remembering of at all, having the conversation, no. O’REILLY: So they just swept you away somewhere? Where’d they put you? D. LEE: Different places, different times. I’ve had memories of being on what I consider the ship, because I know it was someplace other than any place I’d ever visited before. O’REILLY: So you were in some kind of — you were in some kind of vehicle? D. LEE: Yes. It was a vehicle, a room. It was very cold, metal. A lot of metal. A lot of metal. O’REILLY: Did you see — did you see the aliens? D. LEE: Yes. O’REILLY: What do they look like? D. LEE: What I saw on that particular visit, they were tall, slender, blond. Looked human, but not human, not quite human. O’REILLY: All right. D. LEE: They didn’t really use their voices to talk. The couple say they remain worried about being abducted against almost daily, but that they want to “live their lives” regardless. 2. THE GUNDIAH MACKAY ALIEN ABDUCTION In a chilling story that three different people were involved in, a 22-year-old named Amy was abducted right out the window of her lounge room by some sort of flying craft. Amy’s husband Keith had already gone to bed, while her friend Petra stayed up to read in another room. Petra was abruptly disrupted by a blinding light coming from the lounge room, and the sound of shattering glass. The rectangular beam of light was shining into the room, and according to Petra, she saw Amy being pulled out of the window by the light, still apparently asleep. Keith then woke up, and both he and Petra searched the house and surrounding area for Amy, who was nowhere to be seen. Keith eventually called the police. Amy eventually turned up miles away, with strange marks on her inner thigh, and bizarrely extensive body hair growth. 3. RUSSIAN MILLIONAIRE POLITICIAN TAKEN BY ALIENS? Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the former President of the only Buddhist political state, avidly claims that he was once kidnapped by creatures not of this world. He says they abducted him off his apartment balcony, and took him to their spaceship: Yeah! yeah, yeah, yeah I was taken from my apartment in Moscow to this spaceship! And we went to some star. After that I asked “Please bring me back” because the next day I should be back in Kalmykia! They said oh no problem Kirsan, you have time. When pressed for details of the aliens themselves, Ilyumzhinov says: They are people like us. They have the same mind, the same vision. I talked with them. I understand that we are not alone in the whole world. We are not unique. The ship was absolutely enormous. One of its chambers was the size of a large football pitch. We landed on one of the planets and picked up some piece of equipment. They told me everything in detail. Allegedly, while Ilyumzhinov was abducted, his staff came looking for him and was unable to locate him until he inexplicably appeared in his suite hours later. 4. THE ROBERT TAYLOR INCIDENT Robert Taylor was a forestry worker in Livingston, Scotland. He was heading to work in the woods in 1979 when he turned a corner, and saw a UFO parked in a field. All at once, two small spheres came from the object. They made a sound as their spikes moved over the earth. They came to a stop beside him, grabbing his trousers, and began to drag him back to the UFO. The spiked objects were very similar to the UFO, only smaller. Taylor could smell a strong, sickening odor. He lost consciousness. When he regained consciousness, the spheres were gone, but his red setter was still there. The dog was panicky, running around and barking. Taylor tried to calm him down, but found that his voice was gone. He was very weak, and when he tried to stand, he couldn’t. He crawled for a time until he was able to stand again. He finally made it back to his pick-up truck and tried to radio his work headquarters via his two-way, but still could not speak. Attempting to drive his truck back home, he got stuck in the mud, so he started a long walk of about a mile back to his house. He arrived at 11:45 AM. (Source) His wife phoned the police once he got home, remarking that he “looked terrible.” The police began an investigation, having no true explanation for the bizarre tracks left at the scene of the UFO. No aircraft — civilian or military — was scheduled to be in the area according to comprehensive flight logs. 5. FORESTRY WORKER GOES MIA FOR FIVE DAYS — WHERE WAS HE?? Travis Walton was one of seven men working in a forestry team in Snowflake, Arizona. When heading home from work one night, the team spied a blindingly bright light. Thinking it was a crashed plane, they drove over to the craft. What they saw, however, did not look like any plane: Youtube / UFOCaseReview Youtube / UFOCaseReview Walton jumped out of the truck to get closer to the craft. Suddenly, a bright light shot from the UFO and sent Walton floating into the UFO. The remaining six crew members, panicked, and drove away from the scene to get help. About 7:30 p.m., one of the crew members called the police. Deputy Sheriff Chuck Ellison answered the telephone; The crew member initially reported only that one of a logging crew was missing. Ellison then met the crew at a shopping center. They related the tale to him — all the men distraught, two of them in tears — and though he was somewhat skeptical of the fantastic account, Ellison would later reflect “that if they were acting, they were awfully good at it.” (Source) After an initial scan of the area showed no evidence of an “UFO” the police began to suspect the men were using the story to coverup the fact that they simply murdered Walton. However, over the next few days, all six loggers were subjected to intense interrogations and polygraphs, and their story seemed to hold up. That’s when Walton suddenly reappeared. Thinking he had only been gone for a few hours, Walton retold parts of the story he could. Youtube / UFOCaseReview Youtube / UFOCaseReview He said he was interrogated by three creatures with bald heads and huge eyes. He apparently encountered many different creatures on the craft, who performed experiments on him. Many people were skeptical of the story, but Walton and all the other loggers maintain their stories. 6. THE MANHATTAN ABDUCTION Linda Napolitano (originally aliased as Linda Cortile) triggered one of the most well-documented UFO abduction cases when she claimed to have been kidnapped out the window of her Manhattan apartment building by a flying saucer. Linda describes her time with the aliens: “I’m standing up on nothing. And they take me out all the way up, way above the building. Ooh, I hope I don’t fall. The UFO opens up almost like a clam and then I’m inside. I see benches similar to regular benches. And they’re bringing me down a hallway. Doors open like sliding doors. Inside are all these lights and buttons and a big long table. I don’t want to get up on that table. They get me on the table anyway. They start saying things to me and I’m yelling. I can still yell. One of them says something that sounds like {Nobbyegg}. I think they were trying to tell me to be quiet because he put his hand over my mouth.” Her abduction story has been corroborated by two United Nations bodyguards, who claim to have seen exactly the scene that Linda describes. “There was an oval-shaped object hovering over the top of the apartment building two or three blocks up from where we sat. We didn’t know where it came from. It happened too fast. Its lights turned from a bright reddish orange to a whitish blue coming out of the bottom. Green lights rotated round the edge of the saucer. A little girl or woman wearing a white gown sailed out of the window in a fetal position – and then stood in mid-air in this beam of light. I could see three of the ugliest creatures I ever saw. I don’t know what they were. They weren’t human. Their heads were out of proportion, very large heads with no hair. Those buggers were escorting her into the craft. My partner screamed, ‘We have got to get them.’ We tried to get out of the car but couldn’t. After the woman was escorted in, the oval turned reddish orange again and whisked off.” Years later in 2001, this photo would taken taken at Linda’s apartment. The aliens might have been visiting to check on her: Yancy Spence via UFO Casebook Yancy Spence via UFO Casebook Both bodyguards would later go on to suffer severe psychological maladies after seeing what they did that night. Linda still maintains her story to this day. 7. REAL LIFE “MEN IN BLACK” Top5 Top5 Okay, not quite an abduction, but a bizarre visitation of another kind. Robert Richardson was supposedly driving through Toledo, Ohio when he drove into a strange object, which he claimed vanished the minute that he stepped out to inspect it. Remaining next to his tire, however, was a shard of metal that appeared to have been apart of the mysterious object. Richardson took the metal and continued his drive home. Three days later, two men in jet black suits and black sunglasses knocked on Richardson’s door. They immediately demanded the piece of metal. Richardson told them that he had it sent off to a lab for analysis. They ordered him to get it back, saying that his wife would be in grave peril if he didn’t. Richardson ordered them to leave, and never saw them again. 8. BARNEY AND BETTY HILL ABDUCTION Perhaps one of the best known cases in UFO lore, Barney and Better Hill were allegedly abducted by aliens in 1961. It all started when they were driving back home from a vacation in Canada, and they saw something they could not explain: At about a quarter past 10:00 PM, three miles south of the city of Lancaster, Barney noticed what appeared to be a bright star, or planet, which seemed to move erratically. Barney pointed this out to Betty, and they both began to keep track of the object. The couple began to believe that they were watching a plane appear and disappear, as the movement of their vehicle caused the trees to come and go in obstructing their view. Later, Barney would state that he tried to convince himself that the object was a plane, but that Betty thought it to be something else – an unidentified craft of some kind. As the two continued to the Flume, just north of North Woodstock, the object appeared to move in an odd way. As they reached Indian Head, Barney actually stopped the car to have a look at the object with his binoculars. He saw multi-colored lights, and rows of windows on a flat-shaped object, which now seemed to be moving toward him. As the object moved to within a hundred feet of him, he could see occupants inside. Frightened, he ran back to his car where Betty waited. They climbed inside and sped away. Soon, two hours of their lives would vanish into oblivion. After resuming their journey home, they were not able to see the strange craft anymore. Oddly though, they heard a beeping sound. They then heard the beeping a second time, noticing that they were suddenly thirty-five miles farther down the road than a minute or two ago. They were now in Ashla. (Source) Once they got back home, however, the strange occurrences didn’t stop. Betty forcefully insisted that their luggage be kept near the back door, their dress shoes were scuffed and scrapped, and both of their watches were broken — never to work again. But it wasn’t over yet. Betty began having vivid dreams about the craft and strange people in it. In the dreams, Betty, Barney, and the men walked up a ramp into a disc-shaped craft of metallic appearance. Once inside, Barney and Betty were separated. She protested, and was told by a man she called “the leader” that if she and Barney were examined together, it would take much longer to conduct the exams. She and Barney were then taken to separate rooms. Betty then dreamt that a new man, similar to the others, entered to conduct her exam with the leader. Betty called this new man “the examiner” and said he had a pleasant, calm manner. Though the leader and the examiner spoke to her in English, the examiner’s command of the language seemed imperfect and she had difficulty understanding him. (Source) According to Betty, she was then subjected to an examination. Afterward, she spoke to “the leader.” The Leader told Betty that she could keep a book that she found, but later insisted that he take it back, saying that “the others” wanted to wipe her mind completely. Betty told the Leader that no matter what he did, she would remember the events. And I guess she did. TC mark Jacob Geers Jacob Geers Jacob has written things @ Thought Catalog. Maybe Like him👍 and Follow him🙋? 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If you wait on the feeling of ‘readiness’ you’ll be waiting forever and worse, you’ll miss the best of what’s in front of you. “These essays are slowly changing my life, as the title promises. As my friends’ birthday come along, they will all be receiving a copy of this wonderful book.” – Janie Amazon: 4.8/5 ⭐ Goodreads: 4.29/5 stars ⭐ CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THOUGHT CATALOG 8 Thought Catalog Writers Share How They Stay Stylish While Traveling 9 Freaky Encounters With The Real ‘Men In Black’ That’ll Seriously Give You The Creeps Here’s The Scariest Horror Movie That Takes Place In Every State ALIENS EXIST! 10 Famous People Who Think Aliens Are Real 5 Alien Abduction Cases That Will Creep You The Eff Out Submitted For Your Consideration: Alien 3 Is a F#cking Awesome Movie 8 True Alien Abduction Stories That’ll Make You F*cking Terrified Of UFOs is cataloged in Alien Abduction, Aliens, Creepy, Creepy Catalog, Greys, Men In Black, Paranormal, Scary, Spooky, the Greys, ufos, Weird blog comments powered by Disqus Some of the best Thought Catalog Articles! 👈 / Luminescence by Brandon Woelfel 📷 / Jokes / Quotes / Narcissism / ENFP / Trending Author: Nikita Gill / Quote Pictures / Kevin Gate Quotes / Questions To Ask / Scary Stories / Love Languages / Our Favorite Lingerie Brands / THOUGHT CATALOG CONTENT Latest Popular Writers Books Videos COMPANY About Submissions Contact LEGAL AdChoices Privacy Policy Terms of Use A website by © 2018 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. 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Paranormal and psychic happenings Search Search THE WORLD'S ONLY RELIABLE NEWS Weekly World NewsOPINIONSUBMITSHOPREPRINTSSUBSCRIBEHEADLINESMUTANTSCELEBSPOLITICSALIENS Submit your photo to Weekly World News ALIENS FATTENING UP AMERICANS By Dallas Commagreens on September 9, 2008 1 Votes And they’re finally ripe for slaughter! As if overweight Americans didn’t have enough to worry about with people making fun of them all the time, a captured space alien has told the FBI that “tubbos we’ve fattened up with junk food are finally ripe for the slaughter.” And to make sure agents understood exactly what he was talking about, the almond-eyed bulb-head went on to say, “That’s right, chief. We’re going to eat them.” As wild as the creature’s claims might sound, the FBI has reason to believe that he is telling the truth. Sources say that when discovered in the kitchen of a fast-food restaurant in Birmingham, Alabama, that had closed for the night, the extraterrestrial was spraying already calorie-rich burgers, fries and fish sandwiches with a sticky brown mist that has since been identified as a super-concentrated extract of animal and human fats. And while searching the alien’s silver-foil fanny pack for laser weapons, communications devices and identification, they found several vials of a strange, sugar-like substance that according to a laboratory analysis, when consumed by humans, is almost instantly converted to flab. Under intense questioning, the extraterrestrial reportedly boasted that “thousands of my comrades” have been lacing junk foods with the strange liquids “for 20 of your Earth years. Now we will reap the rewards in the harvest of your obese ones, who by anyone’s reckoning, make for good eatin’.” “The threat is real,” FBI chief Robert Mueller was warned in an alarming internal memo that was leaked to reporters in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 4. “Their intention is to abduct, slaughter and eat overweight Americans, and not just a few here and there — we’re talking about millions of them. “An extraterrestrial invasion, herding process and mass abduction seem imminent, and the question is: Can we stop it?” The FBI will neither confirm nor deny the report. The President, meanwhile, is said to have asked for “a full intelligence assessment of the threat” to national security before he decides just how to break the news to American citizens, 147 million of which are grossly overweight and would appear to be at risk. “If somebody thinks he’s going to wind up on a space alien’s dinner table with an apple in his mouth he’s going to do whatever it takes to keep that from happening, and that includes losing weight,” fumes Meg Kennedy, co-founder of the San Francisco-based fat-pride group, Big Beautiful Women and Men of America. “If extraterrestrials were targeting skinny people, I’ll guarantee you there would be a national alert. “It just goes to show that people of size always get the short end of the stick.” Share this: More COMMENTS (6) CATEGORIES: ALIENS, MUTANTS TAGS: ALIEN, ALIENS, CONSPIRACY, FAST FOOD, FOOD, OVERWEIGHT You Might Also Like 22 Photos of Donald Trump That Will Change Your Mind 22 Photos of Donald Trump That Will Change Your Mind Camberwell Gran Shocks Doctors: Forget Botox, Do This Once Daily Camberwell Gran Shocks Doctors: Forget Botox, Do This Once Daily Embarrassing Moments Captured By Cameras Embarrassing Moments Captured By Cameras Haunted House Adventure Haunted House Adventure What Is Net Neutrality and Why Are People Freaking Out? 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Sunday 7 January 2018


Paranormal and psychic happenings Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express.sunday_express_logo Search... Find us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Check us on Google+ Subscribe to our rss feed Login Register Daily HoroscopeOur AppsTop 10Our PaperPaper ArchiveWeather4° London HOME NEWS SHOWBIZ & TV SPORT COMMENT FINANCE TRAVEL ENTERTAINMENT LIFE & STYLE UKWORLDPOLITICSNATUREROYALWEATHERHISTORYOBITUARIESSUNDAYWEIRDSCIENCESCOTLAND HomeNewsScience'Aliens stopped WWII nuclear battle between US and Russia' claims sixth man on Moon Asteroid investigated by Stephen Hawking is ‘ALIEN probe with broken engines’ Asteroid investigated by Stephen Hawking is ‘ALIEN probe with… Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson's shock revelation about Pentagon UFO footage Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson's shock revelation about… Ripple price 2018: Why is it rising? Should you buy Ripple instead of bitcoin? Ripple price 2018: Why is it rising? Should you buy Ripple… Sarah Ferguson, Prince Andrew’s ex wife, reveals ‘the one thing she has done well’ Sarah Ferguson, Prince Andrew’s ex wife, reveals ‘the one thing… Dancing On Ice 2018: Antony Cotton threatens to QUIT already over potential clash Dancing On Ice 2018: Antony Cotton threatens to QUIT already… 'Aliens stopped WWII nuclear battle between US and Russia' claims sixth man on Moon A NASA astronaut who walked on the Moon has made the startling claim aliens intervened in the Second World War to prevent a nuclear war between America and Russia. By JON AUSTIN 10:02, Fri, Aug 14, 2015 | UPDATED: 12:37, Fri, Aug 14, 2015 62 Edgar Mitchell during his time as a Nasa astronautNasa Edgar Mitchell during his time as a Nasa astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was the sixth man on the Moon, claims US military chiefs saw alien crafts observing during their nuclear weapons tests in the New Mexico White Sands deserts in July 1945. The astronaut turned die-hard alien believer, who walked on the Moon during the 1971 Apollo 14 mission, has regularly spoken of his believe that extraterrestrials (ETs) visit Earth, and in particular during the 1947 Roswell incident. He even claimed they had shot down test nuclear missiles to prevent an all out nuclear battle between the US and Russia. He said: "They wanted to know about our military capabilities. "My own experience talking to people has made it clear the ETs had been attempting to keep us from going to war and help create peace on Earth. "Other officers from bases on the Pacific coast told me their missiles were frequently shot down by alien spacecraft." Mr Mitchell, 84, claims the purpose of the mission was to keep a check on our weapons to ensure it could not threaten the wider universe. He added that alien technology was so much more advanced than ours we would be doomed if they turned hostile. Mr Mitchell has previously claimed aliens look just like the traditional "little grey men" image they have often been shown as in mock-up pictures, and that the truth about Roswell would soon come out. RELATED ARTICLES EXCLUSIVE: MOD to release UK's top secret UFO 'X-Files' that... LISTEN: To US commander investigate 'UFO attack' at 'Rendlesham'... How Edgar Mitchell says aliens actually do lookGETTY How Edgar Mitchell says aliens actually do look RELATED ARTICLES Vietnam vet claims UFOs and US military were in contact during... WATCH: Obama's former pilot describe UFO encounter and how MOST... NASA does not track UFOs. Nasa is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe Nasa spokesman He said: "This is really starting to open up. I think we're headed for real disclosure and some serious organisations are moving in that direction." But NASA has rebutted his claims in recent years and said: "NASA does not track UFOs. Nasa is not involved in any sort of cover up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe. "Dr Mitchell is a great American, but we do not share his opinions on this issue." Nick Pope, who investigated a string of "UFO sightings" for the British Ministry of Defence (MoD), until 2009 when it stopped the project, is not convinced by Mr Mitchell's latest remarks. He said: "Even where Mitchell's sources are genuine, how do we know they have access to classified information about UFOs? "Ironically, governments have sometimes secretly promoted belief in UFOs, because if someone sees a secret prototype aircraft or drone, it's much better to have it reported as a flying saucer than recognised for what it is. "None of this is to say that there haven't been some genuinely fascinating and unexplained UFO sightings around nuclear facilities and military bases, but just because a UFO sighting is unexplained, it doesn't follow that it's extraterrestrial." 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BMW Promoted 20GB 4G data for £20 per month Vodafone Cristiano Ronaldo forced to RETURN Ballon d’Or award to Lionel Messi after shock admission Login 62 Comments SortSubscribeRSS 866 days ago Dominico Really can't believe that mankind is STILL looking for "salvation" from "outside". The ONLY way Man will survive is if he takes responsibility for his actions and realises his place in the universe is of little or NO importance whatsoever. MAn's survival is in his OWN hands. There is NO mothership following Hale-Bop! ReplyShare0 870 days ago TJB001 So the aliens purpose is "to keep a check on our weapons to ensure it could not threaten the wider universe"? How many decades did it take for a space craft to reach the edge of our solar system? We are nowhere near being a threat to anywhere else in the universe - only to ourselves. ReplyShare+2 This comment has been deleted 1 reply 870 days ago TJB001 If they were clever enough to travel between worlds they were certainly clever enough to know all about gravity! ReplyShare+1 870 days ago reddog694uk. We know JPL has historically 'Airbrushed' images showing anomalous constructs and objects in lunar satellite surveys for decades. Witnesses have come forward and openly admitted to doing so. NASA's policy of denial is still in effect. ReplyShare+2 871 days ago Dawson Well let's say this did happen: At least Aliens may stop us from self-destruction, 'eh. ReplyShare+1 872 days ago BOBB Strange considering the USSR did not have nuclear weapons during WW 11. ReplyShare+2 872 days ago Dominico Tin foil hat anyone???? ReplyShare1 reply-4 866 days ago Shannogh head in the sand anyone? ReplyShare+3 873 days ago teacherofchildren There is a Spirit world that humans we cannot see. The Bible is a code book, humans are the test. We are too arrogant to admit we are the weakest thing in the Universe. There is a God who is in control of EVERYTHING, you better repent before your last day in Earth. ReplyShare2 replies-2 872 days ago wire pi ss off with your garbage ReplyShare0 871 days ago eyewasscrewed we're not too arrogant - we are bluffers ; , so like flat earth times (and some countries like americans still act as if thats so), anything different is viewed as not happening. WITH god we defer to something/someone bigger greater etc , but in our humans on earth image; personally that linkup is just not so - do we regard god as an alien?little blue man who visits from time to time? so go with ed mitchell then or use your own senses and experiences to decide/accept ; because you're never going to know here on earth that is. ReplyShare0 875 days ago The Cuckoo has Landed Nick Pope is the classic stooge. ReplyShare+2 This comment has been deleted 5 replies 873 days ago JackJazz1 Aliens have never ever visited earth! ReplyShare2 replies0 873 days ago Towag OK.... ReplyShare+1 866 days ago Shannogh Wow thanks that really clears things up for me then ReplyShare0 873 days ago thejcb Do you have any idea what you are scribbling about ? ReplyShare1 reply0 872 days ago Towag Do you? ReplyShare-1 876 days ago Steveg Oh dear, oh dear! When I was a kid I had an ambition to become an astronaut. It's probably just as well it never happened if that's what going into space does to you. ReplyShare2 replies-1 871 days ago Dawson It's in no way implausible to believe we're the only planet in the entire universe with living species. That's laughable if anything. It is known that there could be up to 40 billion Earth-sized planets, and two billion planets overall which are potentially capable of supporting life. ReplyShare1 reply+1 871 days ago Steveg Sure, you're probably right. I wouldn't dispute the idea that the universe might play host to a great many planets with civilisations on them that are advanced to varying degrees. But we certainly haven't come into contact with any of them yet and, considering the mind-boggling distances involved, we most likely never will. Which may or may not be a good thing, who knows? In any case, I'm fairly confident that if there was an alien race out there who were sophisticated enough to reach our planet or observe our activities by any other means they would surely be savvy enough to prevent us knowing about it. It is difficult to imagine them turning up in the middle of the night with all the lights blazing, for example, which is one reason why most of us are somewhat sceptical of those who claim to have spotted a UFO. That's just my take on it, anyway. No doubt others might disagree. ReplyShare0 876 days ago Paul K can he ask the Aliens if they will help get rid of ISIS. ReplyShare+2 876 days ago SunnyJim Americans... what can you say? ReplyShare0 876 days ago paulrobinson No. hang on its all true. I looked out of my window last night and saw hundreds of the little bu88ers wandering around but doubt they were up to any good, they never are. Stopping wars etc? well I doubt that as they ain't big enough and they smell pretty bad too. As its been hot here in Cyprus we all smell pretty bad so if the aliens were able to stop wars etc why the hell can't they get rid of this bloody stink that what I want to know. Oh, wait a minute there goes another, this one is selling nukes disguise as melons. Must get out of the ruddy sun! ReplyShare0 876 days ago Anti DM Dave "Aliens stopped WWII nuclear battle between US and Russia' claims sixth man on Moon".................Now I know for sure the Moon landings were faked. ReplyShare+2 876 days ago armin Yes, and pigs might fly! ReplyShare+2 876 days ago AntichthonSpy These aliens must have been on a coffee break when the US bombed Japan. But it was not aliens, it was God and, as everyone knows, ‘Gad blesses Amurica’. ReplyShare-1 876 days ago PerryWinkle There are no such things as "aliens." There are such beings as "angels." ReplyShare-3 876 days ago Poll-dark2015 Utter drivel! The Astronutcase has been watching too many sci fi movies, believed then, and now he's lost touch with reality. 'Klaatu verata nikto' and all that jazz! (The Day the Earth Stood Still for those that need an explanation). ReplyShare-1 877 days ago Redsquirrel 'Aliens stopped WWII nuclear battle between US and Russia If aliens were serious about stopping wars on this war mongering planet of ours I doubt if any Muslim would be alive today. ReplyShare2 replies+5 876 days ago PerryWinkle End tiimes scenario described in Bible has Islam as one of the actors. Temple Mount may be a flash point for WW3. ReplyShare0 873 days ago FaizanAsim Dude, i am a proud Muslim. i don't like to get in an argue with you but you just made me reply to you. what do you think of yourself? Are you a peace lover? if you are then delete your unnecessary comment about Muslims. we live in our on world. let us live. we own same human rights as you do. so keep it to your self buddy. Love from pakistan ReplyShare-3 877 days ago The Cuckoo has Landed Pope one of the biggest most effective UFO government stooges. ReplyShare+1 877 days ago JamesOberg Interesting, he insists no UFO secrets at NASA -- Neither I, nor any crew I was on (I was on three Apollo crews), received any briefing before or after flights on UFO events, saw anything in space suggesting UFOs or structures on the moon, etc. We did it just like we said in official reports. My only claim to knowledge of these events is from the individuals, mostly of yesteryear, who were in government, intelligence, or military; were there, saw what they saw, and now believe it should be made public. But I claim no first hand knowledge, nor have any. Pass it on to the rest of the net, if you will. --Edgar Mitchell ReplyShare1 reply+1 877 days ago The Cuckoo has Landed ' Yawn..... the NASA / CIA cheque is in the post. ReplyShare+2 This comment has been deleted 3 replies 877 days ago The Cuckoo has Landed Err....... like Dr Kelly came dead due to Blair and Campbell. ReplyShare1 reply+4 This comment has been deleted 1 reply 876 days ago PerryWinkle Leon Brittan. ReplyShare0 877 days ago Jim_Watford He didn't say anything of the sort, that's the problem with conspiracy theorists, they'll twist and distort anything to fit in with their beliefs while ignoring actual facts and logic. ReplyShare+3 877 days ago GASWORK how could they as they worked together defeating Germany he's an idiot and to think he worked for nasa false impression among the general public that Germany was defeated by the US and Great Britain. In some cases, schoolchildren in Great Britain and the US were actually led to believe that the Soviet Union had been Germany’s ally during WWII. This interpretation of history became canonical in the West from the very beginning of the Cold War era, from the time when, adhering to a kind of a “class approach”, Winston Churchill in his writings denigrated the crucial contribution of the Red Army to the victory of Nazi Germany. ReplyShare1 reply0 871 days ago eyewasscrewed I think most of us believe the war reports about the russkies and all they put up with and also how they fought back ON OUR SIDE; I also dont think most of us would say lets check this out, lets read churchill, but its possible that winston wrote about russkis when they were allies with the nazis; , at that time stalin allied with the winners to be. Imagine today if you were russian and could research your recent /ish ww2 history, I'd reckon you'd be chuffed but you would also be well pyssed off about a leader who killed you, many times too, so would want to re-interpret that maybe. ReplyShare0 This comment has been deleted 1 reply 871 days ago eyewasscrewed typing error ! probably hazy screen/lap-top, like mine , ends there as cant do the 11 year old operative excuse ReplyShare0 Show more comments Latest videos No Pants Tube Day London Underground no trousers TfL PANTS TO THE COLD: Bold Londoners flash the flesh on No Pants Tube Day david attenborough investigating sea dragon fossils BBC Sir David Attenborough on the excitement of investigating a 'sea dragon' Piers Morgan suffers with ‘acute’ illness HOURS before GMB return Susanna Reid ITV Piers Morgan suffers with ‘acute’ illness HOURS before GMB return ‘Bring a bucket’ Game of Thrones season 8 spoilers Daenerys Targaryen Jon Snow bombshell Emilia Clarke Game of Thrones season 8 spoilers: Director drops MAJOR Daenerys and Jon Snow bombshell Celebrity Big Brother 2018 Ann Widdecombe Andrew Brady Courtney Act Bed John Barnes CBB UK Celebrity Big Brother 2018: Andrew Brady threatens to JUMP on Ann Widdecombe 'Stop it!' 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