Wednesday 30 July 2014


Paranormal and psychic happenings My brother and sister in law visited on my birthday bringing me a beautiful mini skirt my sister in law was wearing a similar one. I tried it on and we was standing admiring ourselves when suddenly our skirts were torn right off us at the same time. We stood in shock for what seemed like ages. These skirts had zips buckle and buttons so they were quite difficult to undo and yet they were all opened.

Sunday 20 July 2014

The station was filled with ghosts of dead soldiers as i walked in

Paranormal and psychic happenings I went to petts wood station which is in kent it's very small and old fashioned and the sun was shining and the platform full of second world war soldiers and maybe from the first world war they were very busily hurrying along the platform with kit bags and the sense of wonderful nostalgia surrounded my senses. I felt such warmth and love the whole place was glowing. Yet quite empty to a passer by.

I saw a ghost last night watching me read

Paranormal and psychic happenings I was reading in bed last night when I looked up there was a ghost of a tall man watching me from the doorway . I looked twice as he was quite transparent but very real. I didn't feel afraid he's just passing by.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Evil spirits and demons dont like cats

Paranormal and psychic happenings Cats in the house will drive away EVIL entities such as demons and bad spirits. I am rarely troubled by them since getting cats the more the better. But most of all my faith in the Lord God almighty through Jesus Christ.

Saturday 12 July 2014


Paranormal and psychic happenings The headless horseman rides through kent in his terrifying ghostly darkness to this day. He has been seen in bromley and along sevenoaks way .

Tuesday 8 July 2014

What does it mean when the one you love enters your dream

Paranormal and psychic happenings When the one you love enters your dream and it is positive for you it means it is very possible and certainly likely that he or she loves you back just as much and can under the correct circumstances be with you in this reality.

Monday 7 July 2014

Attacked by a ghostly child at school

Paranormal and psychic happenings It was my first day at school and a big girl pulled my hair. On instinct I turned and punched her in the mouth. I was shocked at my own strength when her teeth cracked and all fell out like a cartoon character it was strange because all day I was worried I would get in trouble with the teachers and my parents. But that girl never appeared again she must have been a ghost one of many I encountered.

Lucid dreams are a parallel universe alternative reality

Paranormal and psychic happenings When my dreams are lucid I know that I'm dreaming and I have experimented by touching things to see if they are hot or cold st x and I know that there is no difference between it and reality as we call it. It is very real and I believe the spirit leaves the body when we sleep and connects with the unconscious world with others whom are sleeping. This is similar to death where the soul carries on living in an altered state. You can eat drink kiss and do all the things of this world but so much more for the possibilities are without limits.