Monday 17 March 2014

The noisy streets of silence

All of my 48 years I have suffered with the sound of loud noises of course living in central London you get used to it but long for peace and quiet. When I moved away to kent which is relatively quiet I realised that the raised voices I could hear was the collective thoughts radiating from people's minds, it was quite deafening everyone else would not hear it only me it seemed. I actually thought there were crowds of people outside my house but when I step out there is nobody. Yes I could be crazy. Who knows maybe I am but I am able to reason and real crazy people can't do that. Sometimes now I just enjoy listening to the thoughts of the neighbours it's certainly interesting. Also I can tell when a person is evil just by there presence. I get a sick feeling in my solar plexus and I feel drained of energy.
Perhaps the true test of our faith is to not join any organized religion or cults is my theory.


I was in my new house and it seemed peaceful in kent when a girl with long blonde hair walked through my living room into the kitchen towards the back door which led into the garden. I asked my son if he could see her, it's Bianca he said, my daughter. Indeed she did look like her but when I followed there was nobody there and the back door was locked. I called upstairs to Bianca and she answered. Her friend Stephanie at that moment was dying. Killed in a car crash she had to be cut out. We phoned her sister who confirmed this. She had come to say goodbye she later told Bianca in a dream that she had died twice which her sister confirmed. She had been revived then died again in hospital she was only sixteen.

Sunday 16 March 2014

nightclub ghost

I was in a very busy london nightclub just a few months ago. I must add that I was not drunk or intoxicated in any way but my feet were hurting from wearing heels and so I took off my shoes. As I looked up I got a very disapproving look from an elderly man who was walking into the crowded dance floor. He was quite old fashioned looking with spectacles and clothes from in my view the eighteenth century. Such was his stare that I wondered what I had done wrong. My friend asked what was wrong, I told him and he went to look for the man, there was nobody over fifty in that club though we both searched high and low and the entrance was upstairs. He would have to have passed by us to the exit. It was in the bridge bar in beckenham kent so if anyone has seen him please let me know.

Saturday 15 March 2014

As a small child one of our elderly neighbours died or so everyone was telling me and I watched out the window as his funeral flowers and cars were being arranged. He known to us all as Pop's was sitting on our front wall without a care in the world watching his own funeral. I said mum if pop's is dead why is he sitting on our wall. She rushed to the window. I don't know if she saw him but she went very quiet and left the room without saying a word. I know she had lots of strange things happen but she didn't talk about them until I was older. When I was about three or four we lived right on Blackfriars bridge above a shop. There were lots of children in the flat and my brother and I would play hide and seek with them. One day they took us into a room and there was a baby all burned laying in a cot. There were long icicles hanging down from all sides of the cot but when I tried to show my mum the room it was just a wall. Sometimes the little boys would climb up to our bedroom and bring sweets. But sometimes they would try to get me to jump over the balcony. I have never liked heights and wouldn't do it . I was thirty with children of my own when I asked my mum who the children were. She said there wasn't any children ever that came in that place.
This blog is dedicated to the strange scary and most often wonderful mysterious happenings in my life and that of others. I believe that God shows those he loves strange things to help them overcome the fear of death and the problems and challenges which we face everyday. When  I see the dead I never know they are dead as its usually a friend that I speak to all the time and there is no physical difference apart from the fact that they look healthier, glowing almost. And of course I did not know they had died until afterwards. I would mention to a friend or relative that I saw Bill or Dave and they would say but he died . How is this possible? I don't know. Quite often I will be chatting away and people think I'm talking to myself and I am amazed that they can't see the person right in front of them. Anyway, I see dogs that have died following their owner's whilst out walking my dogs and when my cat got put to sleep I came home to find him sitting at the top of the stairs. That is just for starters theres so much more to tell you please feel free to tell me your experiences. I would love to hear.