Sunday 27 April 2014

de ja vu is no coincidence

Paranormal and psychic happenings That feeling of having been there before when you go to a new place or see new people is not a coincidence. I recognized almost everyone in my new area despite never having visited before. I also had many dreams in one particular one I dreamed I was living in the high street above the shops opposite an off licence I was holding a baby when a man broke in and went to stab us with a knife. I saw his face and turned to put the baby under the bed to protect it. I must have been stabbed in the back because the next thing I was a ghost and watching out of the window as the murderer spent the money he robbed in the off licence opposite. I was fretting that the baby would not be found and after I awoke I worried for days until a neighbour told me that this had indeed happened in the sixties to a young mum and the baby was adopted. I was so relieved.

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