Tuesday 7 August 2018


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Subscribe Paranormal RSS Feed Top Authors in Paranormal More Reference and Education categories: Reference and Education (20,407) Astronomy (1,781) Biology (548) College University (13,946) Continuing Education (2,166) Financial Aid (8,023) Future Concepts (1,795) Home Schooling (3,404) K 12 (2,731) Languages (16,357) Mathematics (1,228) Nature (2,154) Online Education (11,692) Paranormal (3,011) Psychic (6,093) Psychology (3,110) Science (7,185) Special Education (667) Standardized Tests (774) Survival and Emergency (5,590) Teaching (4,079) Vocational Trade Schools (3,203) Wildlife (2,436) Reference and Education: Paranormal Article Category Does the Soul Choose When To Die? by Gary Wonning Do we decide prior to reincarnating when we will die? We decide our whole live before we reincarnate, but once we reenter the physical realm we have an opportunity to change our life plan and what we want to accomplish. We always have free will and we can and do change our life plan frequently, by doing this we activate alternate lives and parallel universes and our whole perspective changes. The Tongueless Woman of Glamis Castle by Ben H Wright Glamis Castle has a long-standing reputation for ghosts and hauntings. One of the stories associated with this famous Scottish castle is that of a certain ghost who is said to wander around the grounds late at night, frantically pointing to her horribly mutilated mouth. Known as The Tongueless Woman, there is a strange story as to how she received her horrific wounds. Can A Soul Die? by Gary Wonning Many have asked if it is possible for a soul to die. If a person leads a totally regressive life and does all sorts of unimaginable evil, does his soul die and rot in hell? A soul is energy and energy can neither be destroyed or die. However, when one engages in activity detrimental to the highest good, the soul can become detached from the physical body, the lack of faith shown by the individual creates a situation where the individual becomes empty and the soul shrinks from importance and begins to lose energy. Once a soul depletes it will have very weak energy, and not able to reach their Guide or connect with the higher state of being. It is then very hard for it to return in physical form. We might relate this to being depressed in our current reality. They would need time and contemplation to once again be ready to return to the physical form to proceed to their next earthly lessons. Understanding Alternate Realities by Gary Wonning Many times it is impossible to define reality. I think we all have had moments in time when objects or living beings appeared to make us question our definition of reality. There are many stories I have heard about people seeing objects or their relatives that have passed on, appearing before their eyes in three dimensional reality. These instances suddenly occur, we see them, think about them, maybe we even related them to those we think may be receptive and then the moment is stored away in our subconscious mind, often to never be thought of again. Bhangarh - The Most Haunted Place in India by Manisha Sinha Ray Paranormal or otherworldly phenomenons have always captured a reader's attention. Unexplained as yet by science, the occurrence of ghosts and other supernatural entities have left the world baffled. Bhangarh fort is one such place in India which has even received a stamp of approval from Archaeological Survey of India as a disturbing and mysterious place where ASI has placed a hoarding, forbidding tourists & locals from entering the fortress premises before sunrise and after sunset. This article is an attempt to make the readers aware of such a place's existence. Do We Live Parallel Lives? by Gary Wonning The concept of parallel lives can be very confusing. Many of us who have been brought up in western civilization only come in contact with the concept of reincarnation later in life. We are often taught to believe we only live once and after passing on we reside in heaven until the resurrection when Jesus comes and saves us, then we are judged and if found worthy, reside in heaven for the rest of eternity, however long that may be. It can take some time for many to accept the possibility that reincarnation may be possible, the opposite has been so ingrained in many it has become a permanent part of their belief system. The Aboriginal Dream Time and the Great Flood Part Three by Gary Wonning Part three of a three part series - Many times, when animals are under stress, or when they hibernate, they consume little or no food, and often recycle their own waste to survive, making feeding them less of an challenge. When the ice meteor struck the earth it unleashed a deluge causing the ice caps to begin melting, and underground explosions that released hot gases and water from under the earth's surface. The water vapor canopy that once covered the earth began to dissipate and caused it to rain for forty days and nights as described in the bible Ice, at three hundred degrees below zero is magnetic, thus the colder ice was drawn to the north pole. The Aboriginal Dream Time and the Great Flood Part Two by Gary Wonning Part two of a three part series - I believe many events in history actually happened much earlier than conventional wisdom would have us believe, I also believe the pyramids are much older than assumed by the experts. The planet earth was much different in the time before the last ice age. The earth was not only covered with several different atmospheres, like it is today, it was also covered with a canopy of water vapor that shielded it from outside radiation. The greenhouse effect created a planet that was much more fertile than it is today, with the plentiful amount of rainfall, animals and vegetation grew much more rapidly and larger than they are today. The Aboriginal Dream Time and the Great Flood Part One by Gary Wonning This is part one of a three part series. It had been a month long adventure. After spending a month in the outback of Australia learning the aboriginal ways, I had seen and learned things I had never even imagined could exist. Even though we were looking forward to going home, the highlight of the adventure was yet to come. Gallivanting around in the outback for over three weeks, time had become irrelevant, I never realized it at the time, this was July 7th, 1989. Before leaving home, it was revealed to me that this day, July 7, 1989 would be a special day. At the prompting of our aboriginal driver, begrudgingly, I decided to take a look at one more Aboriginal rock art site on sacred land. The River of Life by Gary Wonning We often hear the term,"River of Life". What does that mean, and is there actually a "River of Life?" The River of Life refers to the stream of energy that brings all life to its next existence. It isn't a river of water, it is a force of energy that flows from the Tree of Life and enables us to teleport from one existence to another. It comes from somewhere above and has sparkles of energy running through it, these impulses of energy creates the illusion of flowing water. Does Someone In A Coma Have A Soul? by Gary Wonning There is always much controversy concerning the human soul and what it is, if it exists at all. We can't actually see the soul and many people believe that if something can't be seen, it doesn't exist. They forget that we can't see electricity but we all know electricity exists. Chemosh: Lord of the Moabites by Judd Burton Chemosh was a deity worshiped in the ancient Near East. He was chief god of the Moabites. About UFO Sighting Footage by Pheanyoun Vit There are many documented UFO sightings in the recent past. This has gained public interest as more advanced technological advancements are made allowing such sightings to be captured in camera and even having UFO footage and documentaries. Despite the many questions surrounding the existence of these aliens UFO followers get more convinced by the day. Others have gone on record to condemn NASA of collaborating with governments to invalidate the UFO sighting footages and even the existence of UFO aliens. When Does the Soul Enter the Body? by Gary Wonning Since time immemorial, but especially since the abortion issue arose in the 1970s, the question has always been, when does the soul enter the body? If you ask twenty people, you will get twenty different answers. Often times the answers are based on their political views, or someone's rights. All the great sages and mystics agree, the soul enters the human body at the moment of conception. As soon as the sperm meets the ovule, conception occurs. If and when you would stop and think about it, that is just common sense. Conception is the spark that lights the match. Everything that comes after that is a result of the initial act. Without the soul the body could not function, or develop the thought process necessary to maintain a life. Without a soul, a human body is a unthinking lifeless form. The Universe Story - Beyond the Scientific Paradigm by Holly Holmes-Meredith Are ETs real or are we alone in the Universe? I wrote this paper several years ago for a Cosmology course I took as a part of my doctorate program. It was taught by a scientist and the science of creation and the evolution of the cosmos was the focus. In our assigned post-class paper, we were askd to respond to the story of the universe as he presented it. I wanted to add to the scientific paradigm the realms of the paranormal and the unseen. UFO Alien Sightings On Earth by Pheanyoun Vit The existence of more superior beings in a different planet away from ours has been a topic for quite a long time now. Aliens, as these beings are referred to, are regarded to be more intelligent and more technologically advanced than humans, however, their existence has put phenomenon such as UFO sightings in the spotlight. UFO is an abbreviation of Unidentified Flying Objects, which are commonly associated with the alien objects such as spaceships and other mysterious flying structures. Are Extraterrestrials Our Spirit Guides? by Gary Wonning We often wonder where extraterrestrials come from, who they are, and what is our relationship to them. How do they travel those vast distances and how do they appear out of thin air and then disappear so fast when pursued by military aircraft. They seem to be traveling thousands of miles per hour, and even then, they suddenly disappear in plain sight of trained pilots and ground observers. Energized Spirits by Sherry Daniel We were once pure energy that came down in vibration until our DNA appeared on the landscape of humanity. Ghosts, spirits and ethereal beings are part of the picture. They are pockets of trapped energy that cross our paths. Some of us are malleable enough for them to pass through. Those 'beings' would be enlightened and are showing up all over the world's radar. The Ghost of Father Benedictus at Westminster Abbey by Ben H Wright London's Westminster Abbey is home to several ghosts. These include an unidentified soldier and a 17th century judge. However the most well-known spectre is that of 'Father Benedictus', who was apparently stabbed to death at the Abbey during the reign of Henry VIII. We Create Our Reality by Gary Wonning Many dispute the fact that we humans create the reality we live in, most just shrug their shoulders and attribute everything that they experience as fate and search no further for answers. Look around you, look at the current condition of the world, all the violence, the corruption, warfare, discontent, where did that come from? Did it just happen? 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