Friday 5 December 2014

libra horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Libra horoscope you need to get off the phone/computer and start interacting with people

Scorpio horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Scorpio your such a pain in the butt you probably won't read this anyway lay off the booze/chocolate/drugs

Capricorn horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Capricorn get in touch with your old friends you have little family and you've driven your friends away do the right thing and say sorry. You don't want to be lonely forever .

Aries horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Aries the love of your life will be a fire sign you have so much in common with a sagitarius

Pisces horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Pisces your son is waiting for contact he's given you many chances and is losing patience. What are you waiting for?

Aquarius horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Aquarius horoscope Today you should buy presents you may find a bargain waiting.

Gemini horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Gemini horoscope you appear so aloof and cold do you have a heart.

Cancer horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings cancer horoscope share the wealth and stop being so oversensitive

Taurus man horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Taurus man horoscope you must not let her keep you away from your family. Life is too short. They miss you and feel betrayed

Thursday 4 December 2014

Sagitarius horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Your hard work and morals are about to pay off

Libra horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Libra horoscope you love to shop so enjoy yourself

Scorpio horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Scorpio horoscope have you been ill lately lighten up your a tough old boot.

Capricorn horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Capricorn horoscope get out spend some cash and live a bit you old goat

Virgo horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Virgo horoscope you are loved and a wonderful person. Even though your musical taste is rather dubious

Leo horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Leo horoscope lay of the cream cakes and get some exercise today Leo your overindulgence is going too far

Gemini man horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings You crazy man those numbers just keep going round and round in your head get off the programmer

Cancer horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Cancer horoscope stop selling those used cars Mr crab get a real job

Taurus horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Be kind to people Taurus they deserve it. You can afford to be lenient.

Pisces horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Pisces horoscope you have or are about to find love don't blow it

Aquarius horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings You got to stop sleeping around and being so mean with cash if your ever going to have a meaningful relationship Aquarius

Aries horoscope

Paranormal and psychic happenings Watch that temper tomorrow or sparks could fly.

The ghost of Scadbury manor

Paranormal and psychic happenings Whilst I was in Scadbury nature reserve with my son a huge man rushed past us and before I realised that he couldn't have squeezed past us on that tiny path I had this terrible fearful feeling. I felt almost terrified. We continued on to the manor as my son couldn't see him and there stood the ghostly man almost seven foot tall wearing clothes from hundreds of years ago just staring at the manor house from the bank of the moat. It was daylight and I don't know why I felt so afraid.