Monday 1 December 2014

Sagittarius the most intelligent zodiac sign#

Paranormal and psychic happenings Sagittarius is the most intelligent sign of the zodiac They are kind,generous, charming and have a wealth of advice to offer. Freedom loving because of their many pursuits hobbies and careers it's hard to pin them down.

Astrology Scorpios# The most jealous sign of the zodiac

Paranormal and psychic happenings Astrologically Scorpios# are the most jealous and vindictive sign of the mosaic. They can appear cool but underneath the smug exterior lies a cruel and unfeeling spite. On the plus side these people though hitmen can be hard working and generous when it suits them although mostly quite mean and stingy.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Ghost boy brought sweets to children

Paranormal and psychic happenings A lovely little boy who happened to be a ghost would bring sweets to my brother and I when we were very small. How he scaled the rather large three storey building we lived in is beyond my understanding as we were on the fourth floor. Maybe he levitated.

Saturday 29 November 2014

Alien abduction experiments the purpose

Paranormal and psychic happenings The purpose of Alien abduction experiments is so that they can integrate themselves into our world and walk amongst us undetected. They will use and manipulate us mainly through unbelief possibly this is already been done for many years with the +Illuminatti Government.

40 million Americans had close encounters

Paranormal and psychic happenings 40 million Americans had close encounters of the first second third or fourth kind that's nearly half of the population not to mention other country's the government must start telling the truth.

Aliens are scared of cats

Paranormal and psychic happenings Aliens are scared of cats for some reason I find that my cats keep them away from the house.

Five million Americans have been abducted by aliens

Paranormal and psychic happenings Five million Americans have been abducted by aliens fourth million know someone who has or has had strange experiences can we really continue to disbelieve

Friday 28 November 2014

The ghostly room at Blackfriars

Paranormal and psychic happenings Once as a child when my brother and I was playing with the ghost children they took us into a room we walked right through a wall and there in a cot covered in icicles was a baby who looked burnt. It was alive it seemed. I think the children were trying to tell us that they had been in a house fire.

Thursday 27 November 2014

+Haunted +Blackfiars bridge in +London

Paranormal and psychic happenings Blackfriars is a very haunted place when I lived there as a child there were many ghosts in our apartment which was on the bridge. My brother and I played hide and seek with ghostly children and although my mum swore there was nobody but us and our parents the place was packed with dead people.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

+Poltergeist flooded my house many times

Paranormal and psychic happenings The +poltergeist flooded my house so many times that the plumber and council could not explain where the water was coming from. The contractor/plumber was sacked and swore in court that there was a poltergeist in my house.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

+Russell Grant is the best +Astrologer

Paranormal and psychic happenings +Russell Grant is the best +Astrologer he gives the most accurate +horoscopes for starsigns

Weird dreams and +Alien abduction +linked in

Paranormal and psychic happenings Weird dreams seem to correlate with +Alien abduction happenings. Everyone I have them I feel depressed and drained for days then I find strange marks and scars on my body. There's a lump behind my ear since yesterday could be an implanted tracking device.

Monday 24 November 2014

+Aliens are eating Humans +Earth is a farm

Paranormal and psychic happenings +Aliens are eating Humans +Earth is a farm. Be careful be aware keep +God with you always through +Jesus Christ our Lord our only protection.

Thanks to +Malte ubi + Gregory fair

Paranormal and psychic happenings Thanks to +Malte ubi +Gregory fair +Software engineer at +Google mentions.

+The law of attraction the secret to success

Paranormal and psychic happenings +The law of attraction the secret of success. Life was so hard until I discovered the secret. Anyone can apply +the secret visit +mind valley they are spreading the +law of attraction formula in a way that can be applied to your life in minutes and its +free. Change your world today.

+paranormal network has amazing videos and stories

Paranormal and psychic happenings +paranormal network has amazing videos and stories to share you will truly be enlightened if your an unbeliever. Find them on +Google communities

+psychic reading lounge

Paranormal and psychic happenings +psychic reading lounge is a great way to go for an in-depth analysis of your future

Sunday 23 November 2014

Guardian angels voices saved a life

Paranormal and psychic happenings A teenager who was out playing in the streets with only his dog for company heard a disembodied voice calling his name, terrified he made his way home but the voice continued to call his name even in the elevator ride to his apartment only ceasing once he'd arrived inside the apartment and closed the door. Much later the boy found out that a murderer had been lurking around at that exact time and a young girl had been killed probably instead of him.

Friday 21 November 2014

+Hand palm reading the lifeline

Paranormal and psychic happenings +Hand palm reading the lifeline. The lifeline is the most sought after reading a person's age of starting out in life independently and death can be determined by this line but also so can marriage leaving for abroad and illness. Little red dots can indicate danger of drowning.I once met a young man who had no lines at all on his palm sadly he died very soon after.

Thursday 20 November 2014

+Free palm reading here

Paranormal and psychic happenings +Free palm reading here send me a photo of your hand to my email a clear shot of your writing hand is essential

Wednesday 12 November 2014

+Tarot cards, +Ouija boards flooding + USA with demons

Paranormal and psychic happenings With so many people practicing sorcery or witchcraft is it any wonder the +USA is being flooded with demons and evil. These devices open doorways to the underworld that are very difficult to close.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Signs of +Alien abduction have you been abducted?

Paranormal and psychic happenings Signs of+Alien abduction can be profound. Mostly you will not remember as the beings wipe your memory possibly to save your sanity. You may have strange dream s of flying or of being with strangers in unknown terrain. You may have unexplained Mark's and scarring on your body, feel afraid if the dark, being alone,bright lights,unexplained panic or nightmares,waking dreams,strange illnesses,tinnitus or ringing of the ears,urges to go to places like area 51, obsessive studying of the paranormal, a need to know, strange flashbacks, behaviour changes in your pets, a feeling of a presence.