Thursday 24 April 2014

linked in are snobs

Paranormal and psychic happenings Don't bother trying linked in its very difficult to navigate and they don't allow blogs so I thought I would blog about them the snobs.

the devil really is in the detail

Paranormal and psychic happenings Do you know why for instance furniture is flat packed and though you Labour and sweat for hours to assemble the piece there will always be a screw missing or somthing won't fit. So you may have to send it back waiting weeks for a replacement. It's because many of the company owners are Satanists. There are millions of them out there some look so sweet and innocent but that's just a ploy. They may not do really bad things like murder but they manipulate thorough tiny details like losing your application form accidentally throwing it in the bin or through gossip and malicious lies, after all who would think that lovely little old lady next door is a satanic pariah and a witch. Beware.

Does the devil pursue you

Paranormal and psychic happenings  The devil pursue s with lightening speed those that err in their ways and as nobody is perfect  at some time or other he pursues us all wreaking havoc in our messy lives. Keep God with with you through Jesus Christ our Lord and he will help you correct the mess you have made and the devil will flee from you.

Friday 18 April 2014

The circle of salt ghost test

Paranormal and psychic happenings if you suspect a ghost in your home lay out a circle of salt making sure children and pets are kept away, put a glass of water in the centre and leave overnight. Spirit activity will disturb the salt and or water.

How to find out your guardian angels name

Paranormal and psychic happenings After praying  ask your guardian angel to touch your hand. When you feel the touch ask him his name. The first name that comes into your head is his name. Let us know here your angels name mine is Victor.

Easter has nothing to do with Jesus

Paranormal and psychic happenings Read the bible Jesus went up to the mount before easter, a Roman celebration of pagan origin. Therefore what has easter got to do with Jesus or Christianity. Absolutely nothing.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

dead relatives making their presence felt by

Paranormal and psychic happenings dead loved ones may not be able to materialize but you may feel their presence by noticing certain familiar smells. Could be a whiff of their favourite perfume or recipe, could be alcohol or cigarettes. Roses are a common scent meant for remembrance. My dad would notice his biscuit jar emptying by itself when his brother visited from beyond the grave.

Monday 14 April 2014

paranormal and psychic happenings: do you need help or spiritual advice

paranormal and psychic happenings: do you need help or spiritual advice: Please leave your questions here

Paranormal and psychic happenings

True insanity the truth

Paranormal and psychic happenings true insanity can only be caused by demonic possession if brain deterioration is ruled out. Demons may possess those who have no faith or the intoxicated, these are easy pray and have no natural protection from the Lord. Keep God near to you and the evil ones cannot touch you.

Don't drink tap water

Paranormal and psychic happenings Tap water is poisoned with fluoride it causes depression and blocked arteries. Drink bottled mountain or spring water

Demons do not like cats

Paranormal and psychic happenings demons and aliens are scared of cats. A cat or several like my cats will see an evil entity and try to drive it away. Cats are spiritual creatures and fear nothing. I always keep them in the house with me.

what to do when you are dead

Paranormal and psychic happenings When we die things may be hazy or very clear good or very bad. Try to remember Jesus keep him close and pray if you can't remember your prayers sing a song you learned in school. Non believers may come under attack from demons who will torment and mock they tell lies do not be deceived. Call out to Jesus and he will help you.

The dying will often see dead relatives

Paranormal and psychic happenings Weeks months or days before death the dying will usually encounter dead relatives hanging around the house or garden. Sometimes they are not recognised as the person may have not met them before as in the case of dead grandparents. My dad saw his brother in the weeks leading up to his death. Another elderly friend asked on her death bed who are all these people as there were many filling the room however only she could see them.

Sunday 13 April 2014

it is forbidden to contact the dead

Paranormal and psychic happenings is forbidden to contact the dead because the spirits that come through are usually demons pretending to be your loved ones. According to edgar cayce there are a legion of them for just that purpose

The dangers of wikka

Paranormal and psychic happenings  thousands of people are practicing witchcraft across the modern world it has now been recognised as a religion. But God forbids witchcraft it is tantamount to devil worship and those responsible are in grave danger of not only sin but of being vulnerable to receiving  incantations and black magic being done on them.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

About Our Clan/Guild - skull and bones society

About Our Clan/Guild - skull and bones society

Paranormal and psychic happenings

JESUS CHRIST MY SAVIOUR - skull and bones society

JESUS CHRIST MY SAVIOUR - skull and bones society

Paranormal and psychic happenings



Paranormal and psychic happenings



Paranormal and psychic happenings IMPLANTS IMPLANTS

Paranormal and psychic happenings

FREE CHARLES BRONSON FROM PRISON - skull and bones society

FREE CHARLES BRONSON FROM PRISON - skull and bones society

Paranormal and psychic happenings



Paranormal and psychic happenings